
Project type: Responsive website development

My role: Lead front end developer, managing a junior developer

Technologies: HTML5, CSS3 and SCSS, Javascript, jQuery, PHP, MySQL

Cairncross responsive device screenshots

For Cairncross & Hempelmann’s site, I was lead front end developer and managed the work of a junior developer. We divided tasks: I took on more challenging sections like the home page and complicated catalog data architecture, and the junior developer built out simpler parts of the site like blog and basic subpages. Once the junior developer completed a section, I checked his work and gave feedback in the form of code review.

Highlights of my work on this site are:

  • the sleek, multi-pane image slider on the home page (the left side slides up while the right side slides down) for desktop users and a simplified display of this same home page content for tablet and mobile users;
  • a custom, branded off-canvas main navigation menu (visible on the home page at all screen sizes, and on subpages for tablet and below);
  • and a secondary custom off-canvas footer navigation menu (visible for desktop and above).

Designed by efelle creative and built with efelle creative’s FusionCMS product.