Project type: Responsive WordPress website development
My role: Freelance, front end developer
Technologies: WordPress, HTML5, CSS3 and SCSS, PHP, Javscript, jQuery, Git

A freelance copywriter, Lacey contacted me in early 2015 in search of a new portfolio website. I built out a custom WordPress theme for Lacey and set up an easy way within the WordPress CMS for her to showcase clients, work for each project, and basic contact info.
Check out the first image below to see the site home page (built by me and designed by Julie Cochran); the second image gives you a peek into the the customized WordPress CMS I created for this site, with directions for how to use each field, clear organization, and simple image upload options.
Here’s the final product, Lacey’s home page:

Here’s one of Lacey’s custom WordPress CMS pages — this is where she uploads details about client projects: