Leef Oil

Project type: Responsive website development

My role: Front end developer

Technologies: HTML5, CSS3 and SCSS, Javscript, jQuery, Git, Photoshop

As a distributor in Seattle’s emerging marijuana market, the Leef Oil team was very adventurous and open to eye-catching design and user experience. The result was a completely horizontal site (with a vertical layout for mobile and tablet devices), with touch-enabled image sliders, a custom left-hand sidebar menu (check out the menu script here, and the corresponding SCSS styles here), and scripts to calculate the amount of text vs. screen size and truncate text if it overflows the design. I also built a nifty cookie and pop up window to ask users if they’re 21! If not, you’re sent to Leef Oil’s ‘you shall not pass’ underage gate (see the age verification script here).

This project included a significant amount of collaboration with the designer — one of my favorite parts of web dev! — and lots of testing and communication within my development team to build a solid cross-browser, cross-device site.

Here’s the age verification gateway all first-time site users must pass:

Leef Oil Home page, pop up window


And then the home page users see once passing the age verification gateway:

Leef Oil home page